
to the 30th production auction

Florina Farm, Villiersdorp, Western Cape

pp mong - BM Herefords

Explore our upcoming livestock auction, featuring top-quality animals meticulously bred for performance and profitability in AFRICA. With a focus on fertility, meat production, and quality, our livestock boasts tight calving intervals, optimal growth rates, and superior meat characteristics. Designed for adaptability and cost efficiency, our animals exhibit strong constitutions, efficient feed conversion ratios, and full pigmentation for protection in African environments.


Verken ons naderende veeveiling, wat topgehalte diere bied, vir AFRIKA TOESTANDE, wat noukeurig geteel is vir prestasie en winsgewendheid. Met ‘n fokus op vrugbaarheid, vleisproduksie, en kwaliteit, roem ons vee op noue kalwingintervalle, optimale groeikoerse, en uitstekende vleiseienskappe. Ontwerp vir aanpasbaarheid en kosteeffektiwiteit, vertoon ons diere sterk konstitusies, doeltreffende voeromsettingsverhoudings, en volle pigmentering vir beskerming in Afrika-omgewings.

BMH 21 0126

BMH 22 0031

BMH 21 0096

BMH 22 0028

BMH 22 0068

BMH 22 0064

BMH 22 0083

BMH 21 0120

BMH 22 0046

BMH 21 0127

BMH 22 0023

BMH 21 0097

BMH 22 0019

BMH 22 0050

BMH 22 0012

pp mong - doh-net-so dohne merino

Our objectives:

To ensure high meat production with correct conformation, width, and depth.

To promote adaptability on every farm with good bone structure and constitution.

Fertility by mating ewe lambs before 12 months and selecting for multiples. Ewes secure their place in our stud by consistently providing good live lambs each year.

To advance precision sheep farming through regular monitoring. BLUP EBVs are crucial for improving the traits our clients need in their flocks with high accuracy.

By regularly introducing new genetics for comparison with other flocks. This ensures that we can constantly compare our own rams with others to offer the best genetics to our clients.


Ons doelwitte:

Om ‘n hoë vleisproduksie met korrekte bouvorm, breedte en diepte te verseker.

Om aanpasbaarheid op elke plaas te bevorder met ‘n goeie beenstruktuur en konstitusie.

Vrugbaarheid deur ooilammers voor 12 maande te paarkoppel en te selekteer vir veelvoude. Ooie verseker hul plek in ons stoet deur konsekwent goeie lewende lammers elke jaar te verskaf.

Om gevorderde presisie-skaapboerdery deur gereelde monitering te bevorder. BLUP EBVs is noodsaaklik vir die verbetering van die eienskappe wat ons kliënte nodig het in hul kuddes met hoë akkuraatheid.

Deur gereeld nuwe genetika in te voer vir vergelyking met ander kuddes. Dit verseker dat ons ons eie ramme konstant kan vergelyk met ander om die beste genetika aan ons kliënte te bied.

SIGN UP HERE FOR YOUR PERSONAL INVITE & UPDATES TO OUR 30th production auction 04.06.24